Tuesday, February 10, 2009

52 Blessings Project-Week 5 & 6

Week 5 & 6 This last week we've celebrated the birthdays of my brother-in-law, my mother-in-law, my brother, my Grandma Owen & my Granny Elmer (who passed away last year)...not to mention I have a niece due anyday! Things have been a little crazy, but on February 9th, which is Nathan & Granny's birthday I realized how grateful I am for the both of them. Nathan Nathan was my first baby brother, although I think I sometimes resented him for taking the attention away from me (I was, and still am, kindof selfish), I hope he knows that I respect him and am so proud of all that he has accomplished. Here is a cute picture of us as kids...getting caught trying to wake Nathan up! Nathan shares a birthday with my great-granny Phoebe...she passed away last year right before her 98th birthday. Granny was one of the most amazing people, she always had a way to make you feel so important. I had the opportunity to go down to Arizona and visit her several months before she passed away and she never seized to amaze me! She could recall memories like no one else, I would enjoy sitting there and listening to her tell stories of when she was a little girl...she included every little detail! I actually have a cute video of her telling a story, but I can't get it to upload right now, I will work on that and post it later.
Here is a picture of granny and I, I love and miss her so much, but know that she is so happy in heaven with all of our loved ones...especially her sweetheart who she'd been away from for so long!


Rydgd said...

Sweet tribute. I miss Granny, too. It hardly seems like it's been a year. Thanks for the sweet post!

The Tibbitts said...

I think it is very nice and sweet of you to remember Nathan and your Granny like that. Individual people are the best blessings.

Ashley said...

Sweet pictures, they are so priceless!

Owen Family said...

Your picture of you and Granny finally showed up on my computer. It takes me back. Wish we had of visited her more often.

Tara said...

Grandmas are the best, but Grannies are even better! I'm sure you will treasure those memories forever.