My blessing for this week is my sweet sister Emma-Leigh. Her birthday was on the February 23rd and I can't believe how fast she is growing up. I remember the day that she was born like it was yesturday...I wanted a baby sister more than anything in the world (I already have 3 brothers)and since my mom and dad never found out the sex of their babies, I was left waiting until the very last second! I remember waking up early one morning because I thought that I heard my Grandma talking...I got out of bed and sure was at the hospital and they just had a baby...GIRL! I remember being so excited that I cried! Even though Emmi is 7 years younger than me, she has always been a good example of is definitely humbling when that is shown to you by someone so much younger, but I hope that she knows how much I love and respect her. Happy LATE Birthday sista! I love you!
Here is a cute little picture of when we lived in Salmon...what a cutie!

This is a more recent picture...I think it was last year because it was one of her first dates, I went up there and did her hair and make-up for this dance!