~My Cell Phone~

It's hard to even remember what it was like not having a cell phone with me at all times...how the heck did I ever communicate? It makes me feel more safe that I can have some way to communicate if I am ever in trouble (mostly when I lock my keys in my car)...but seriously, I remember when I was probably 8 or 9 years old and we lived in Mesa and my mom locked her keys in the car and we had to go knocking on random doors to see if we could borrow a phone...hello, scary! We are so blessed by modern technologies...we've come so far, even in the last 10 years and I am so thankful for it!
Seriously? What did we do without them? Yet, our kids will prob laugh at the thought of them, they will be so outdated by then. I wonder what will they think of next???
Amen, sista!! Cell phones and email. And now email on our cell phones...how did we survive 15 years ago???
I am not sure what I would do without my cell phone either. I used to think of it as just a modern day luxury. But you are right it really is a blessing!
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