I can't believe that it has already been a month since my sweet little boy was born...the other day at girl's night my friend asked me to tell her EVERYTHING about my first birthing experience and I was seriously struggling to remember some of the details! Shut up! I need to get this into writing ASAP! So here it goes...
I was scheduled to be induced at 2:00pm on Monday February 21, my original due date was the 19th and up until my last scheduled doctors appointment, I had absolutely NO progress - he was definitely being stubborn! Ronnie and I showed up at Mountain View hospital...
...we were excited (horrified) as you can see... :)

My last pregnancy picture...40 weeks+...

After finishing all of the paperwork and getting into our room, Ronnie and his dad gave me a blessing...with all the chaos and excitment of the day I almost forgot to ask for a blessing, my mom asked me if I planned to get one and I'm so glad that she did because I would have totally spaced it! I can't help but think that everything went so smoothly because I had been blessed with extra protection that day. They started me on pitocin at around 3:00pm and slowly increased it for the next couple of hours...it had obviously not kicked in yet at this point... :)

Once the contractions startd getting more intense the nurse recommended that I bend my knees and have Ronnie push on my legs during my contrations to help relieve some of th pressure...honestly, it probably didn't do much good, but I made him do it during EVERY contraction! At one point he had the NERVE to tell me that it was hurting his wrists to push so hard...oh my heck...forgive me, my love, for not having a little more sympathy!!!! This was obviously a tense time...hence, no pictures! I had a couple hours of heavy contracions before my doctor came in around 9:30pm, I was still only technically dialated to a 3, but he decided to break my water and order the epidural...halle-freakin'-lujah! I knew going into it that I probably wouldn't have a very high tolerence for pain, and I was ABSOLUTELY correct! I actually handled it pretty good considering I have never been in the hospital for anything before in my life...no stitches, broken bones...NOTHING! Here we are after my epidural...a HAPPY little couple once again...

I love this picture of me sleeping, even though you can
clearly see me having contrations on the monitor...yes life was good!

The doctor and nurses told us to go ahead and get some sleep because they didn't anticipate the baby coming until about 5:00-6:00am the next morning. We were both exhausted and planned to take FULL advantage of what would possibly be our last night of peaceful sleep. Little did we know...our little guy had a different plan. I woke up at about 11:30 pm when I heard the door open, it was just my doctor coming to check on my progress. As he lifted the sheet I saw a puzzled look on his face, and he looked at me and said "let me get the nurses, we're about to have a baby!" I was still half asleep and didn't know if he was joking but I hurried and woke Ronnie up and he didn't believe me until the doctor and nurses all came running in a few seconds later. We had the coolest doctor and earlier in the day he asked Ronnie if he would like to participate in the delivery, so while the nurses were prepping me for delivery, Ronnie was getting all suited up...how exciting! I wish I had a picture with Dr. Thinnes, but everything was moving so quickly! I started pushing at about 12:00am and everything progressed really nice, it was fun watching the doctor explain to Ronnie everything that he needed to do and how he needed to hold his hands in preparation to catch the baby. I was pushing for probably 30 minutes when they realized the he was coming out face up instead of face down like the are supposed to. I don't know if this is really that big of a deal, but he was almost ready to come out when the doctor proceeded to tell Ronnie that he needed to do exactly OPPOSITE as he had just explained (as far as getting into position to catch the baby). I could tell that Ronnie was getting nervous and he turned to the doctor and said "umm, you can go ahead and catch this one, I'll get the next one"...yeah right! The doctor said, "nope, get in there...you can do it!" and I'm so glad he did, it was so awesome to watch Ronnie catch his son and hand him over to me. Greysen Gene was born at 12:47am on February 22, 2011 - he was a healthy 7 lbs 4oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. He was such a cutie (even though he had a HUGE cone head from delivery...apparently he was sitting in the birth canal for a while before anyone even realized it! Here he is just a few minutes after joining our family...

First bath - he still has this reaction sometimes!
Proud (and tired) daddy :) This was the first newborn he has ever held and he looks like a pro...ahhh I
LOVE this man!
Our first official family photo...
Greysen's "birth"day cupcakes...I thought it was cute that the hospital gives you cupcakes, they were from the Cocoa Bean...yum! PS...cute hat courtesy of my mom-in case you couldn't guess - I LOVE all of the hat LOVE!
Ahhh...soooo tired!
Since we had Greysen 47 minutes into Tuesday, we had to stay in the hospital until Thursday...sheesh! I was sooo ready to go home, especially since my mom came down and she could only stay through Sunday. Here he is, all ready for his first trip outside...

Welcome home Greysen! Here I am with my little boy AND my little girl :) Mercedes is doing so well with him, although she has jumped into his bassinet with him in the middle of the night a couple of times! She wants to be wherever he is and I think it is adorable.

I really feel like I have been so blessed...I went through this whole process with no complications and came out of it with a beautiful and healthy baby boy. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!