This is gonna be a blessings catch-up session...I don't know what has happened, but this past month has been soooo hectic that I haven't found a spare moment to blog, so here it goes!
Week # 10~The innocence of a child~
The other day when we were at the temple for Nathan's wedding, Emma-Leigh and Maci were watching the kids. While in the visitor's center they caught Gwen doing this on camera...

...priceless! When I saw this picture I was reminded of all of the things that are truly important in this life...Heavenly Father and Jesus don't ask for perfection, they know that would be impossible...but they do ask us to love them, I'm glad that they send these precious angels down here to remind us of that every once in a while!
Week # 11~Our growing family~
I am so blessed to have a new sister-in-law...I'll be the first to admit that it was hard for me to see my little brother get married, there is something deep down inside that is VERY protective of all of my siblings! We are so lucky that he found Rebecca! She fits right in and they are so perfect together which makes it a lot easier to let him go...that doesn't mean that I didn't bawl like a baby! We love you guys!
Week # 12~Spring~
Unless you live in some place like Idaho I don't think that you can truly appreciate the magic of spring! I personally HATE the snow, so every year that it melts away and we start to see the sunshine and grass again, it feels like a miracle! (Of coarse as things go in Idaho it can be beautiful one week and snowy the next...even in...June!) I really enjoy bringing out all of my Spring decorations to brighten things up a little bit...I may have jumped the gun a little this year since I was decorating during a random snow storm, but I decided that I didn't care what mother nature was was going to be spring inside my house dang it!